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The Kitchen Counter Cooking School: How a Few Simple Lessons Transformed Nine Culinary Novices into Fearless Home Cooks

The Kitchen Counter Cooking School: How a Few Simple Lessons Transformed Nine Culinary Novices into Fearless Home Cooks - Kathleen Flinn I really enjoyed this book. It taught me a lot about cooking, even though I already know a lot about cooking from my readings over the last few years. Its exactly the kind of book I was looking for a few years ago, and I wish I'd had it then.

One small thing that I want to mention, is in the chapter where she teaches a spontaneous class at a party about how to make salad dressing, she says that rancid oil is not bad for you. Its a commonly held belief, but the science is coming in that even though rancid oils don't make you sick immediately, they are horribly bad for you, and over time can cause all kinds of big problems. From obesity, plack in your arteries, leading to heart problems, osteoarthritis, and imuneosurrpression.

It is true that once in awhile if you eat rancid oil it will not kill you but the problem is that people are often eating these kinds of oils every day, and they will kill them and not in a nice way.

Other than that one paragraph. I love this book, Would recommend it for everyone interested in cooking, or worrying about their weight or just feeling disconnected from their life and wanting to find some form of control. :)