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A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter

A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter - William Deresiewicz I was wandering my library shelves when I found this book. What drew me wast the fact that it was about Jane Austen but was written by a man. I have never heard more disparaging comments about Jane Austen than from men who have never read her work. I took it home and was completely sucked in. In fact I started over at the beginning as started reading it allowed to my mother. She too was fascinated.

William is hash in describing himself befog reading Austens work. I cringed because I have met more than one of the kind of early twenty's man he described. But as the book progresses I had to wonder if he had really been so bad. How could anyone who can write so clearly and show so much understanding of the writings of a woman really have been such a pompous jerk?

It wasn't a burning question really, I enjoyed his dissections of each of Austen's six novels even as I disagreed with some of them. He shared wonderful intimate knowledge of the author, making her more of a person and less of a historical figure for me. Above all I liked the lessons that he learned from her books.

Instantly a favorite.